Fellowship Prayer Examples


Do you ever feel that there is some unexplainable lack in your Christian living and service? Possibly a lack of intimacy with the Lord or maybe a lack of purpose and direction in your service to Him. If so, I can share your feeling.

I’m not pointing fingers but identifying a common problem. As it’s been said, recognizing an illness is half of the cure.

Some of the common symptoms might be a lack of joy or vitality, spiritual dryness, emptiness and dissatisfaction. At a certain point, we realize that being “good” isn’t enough; we have to experience God in order to be satisfied. We have to make time, stop our doing, and come back to the Source—God Himself.

Since the source of all our Christian living and service must be God Himself, we first need to learn how to fellowship with Him. In this post we’ll consider the primary function of prayer—prayer to fellowship with God.

Learning to practice the primary function of prayer—fellowship with God

First, we need to see that the prayer of fellowship enables us to be filled with God and to let God flow out of us.

It’s the prayer of fellowship that gives God the way to reveal Himself to us and to transfuse Himself into us. In such a way He is able to gradually saturate our mind, emotion and will with Himself.

It’s also in such a prayer that God exposes and deals with our weaknesses, mistakes and shortcomings.

In Fellowshipping with the Lord for the Mingling of God with Man, Witness Lee says,

When we enter into God’s presence, we must consider fellowshipping with Him to be of primary importance. We should not begin with petitioning. Rather, we should first turn to our spirit, behold the shining of the Lord’s face, and wait for His operating, enlightening, revealing, anointing, infusing, mingling, filling, and saturating. We should also let the Lord expose our weaknesses, mistakes, and shortcomings. If we are willing to thoroughly confess these problems, our conscience will be at peace and without condemnation, and our spirit will be filled with His presence. At this time, we can mention to the Lord the things that we want to pray for. (pp. 7-8)

It is by such deep quiet fellowship that we allow the Lord to reach every part of our inner being.

As a result of such prayer we’re saturated with God and the river of water of life can freely flow out of us (John 7:38).

Second, we need to fellowship regularly with the Lord and learn to live in fellowship with Him.

For effective prayer of fellowship it isn’t enough just to have some daily “devotional time” for spiritual pursuit.

To enter into a thorough prayer of fellowship with the Lord, we need to live in moment by moment fellowship with the Lord (1 Thes. 5:16-18).

But because such constant fellowship isn’t thorough enough, we need to set aside some special times to seek deeper fellowship with the Lord (Mark 1:35; Matt. 14:23). Fl studio 10 zip file download.

Third, we need to learn to contact God in our spirit and follow the sense of our spirit.

This kind of prayer is not a matter of human effort or introspection.

Rather than examining ourselves, we should let the Lord shine on us (1 John 1:7), expose our mistakes and shortcomings. We should allow Him to operate in us, saturate us with Himself, subdue, break and gain us. In this aspect of prayer, it is not a matter of petitioning but of receiving.

In such a fellowship we need to learn to pray according to our inner sense.

For example, when we sense the Lord desires to fill us, we can say, “Lord I’m willing for You to fill me. I open that You may saturate my mind, emotion and will with Yourself.”

In such a prayer we confess our sins, surrender to the Lord, and entrust ourselves to Him. The issue of such prayer is thanking, praising and worshipping.

Fourth, we need to consider the following practical points in having a specific time for the prayer of fellowship:

  1. There is no need to hurry; there are many details in this kind of prayer.
  2. Be aware that Satan often tries to interrupt such times of prayer.
  3. We should leave every disturbance behind in order to contact God (Matt. 14:23).
  4. While we’re waiting on the Lord we can utter words of praise to Him in order to keep our mind from wandering.
  5. We usually need to wait on the Lord for some time before our spirit can enter into His presence to have deeper fellowship with Him.
  6. It’s best to set aside at least a ½ hour or even an hour to learn this kind of prayer.

May we all practice to spend adequate time with Lord to learn the lessons in fellowship with Him. This will cause us to be thoroughly mingled with God and enable us to be really useful in His hand.

Lord Jesus, thank you for revealing to us a practical way to enter into deeper fellowship with You. Lord grant us Your mercy and grace to know You in a deeper way that You may fill all our being with Yourself and so that You may flow out of us to supply so many thirsty people with Your divine life.

Praying to fellowship with God is something that we’ll be learning for the rest of our lives. Possibly you’ve learned some lessons that can help the rest of us to advance more quickly. If so, please share them. We’d love to hear from you. If you have questions, ask them. Maybe we can find the answers together.

This post is a digestion or partial chapter review of Chapter One of Fellowshipping with the Lord for the Mingling of God with Man by Witness Lee.

For more on the prayer of fellowship you may want to read my post on 14 Words to Enrich Your Fellowship with the Lord. You may also enjoy reading a related post at aGodman.com. In addition, you might find that praying over a hymn or two may enrich your prayer of fellowship. (Make sure to click “View Lyrics” to link to the words.)

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